Anderson Dolly Flips Archimedes’ World on Its Head
Posted by Andrew on 5/27/2014 to
“If given a lever long enough, a fulcrum, and a place to stand, I could move the earth,” said Archimedes. Being a Greek mathematician that school kids today still learn about, Archimedes was one smart cat and one that understood the power of leverage. He knew that thanks to the magic of leverage the greatest of weights could be lifted with the slightest of pressure when that pressure is given at the far end of a long enough lever.
Tips for Moving Heavy Objects
Posted by Tom on 5/14/2014 to
When you think of moving, you may become overwhelmed by the chaos of organizing and cleaning, and neglect safety considerations. Whether you're moving a few heavy objects or several objects that increase the moving weight load, you should following these tips for moving heavy objects safely: